Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday safety

Tis the season..... For theives and robbers!!

Yes my friends they are out there in full effect as you shop for your loved ones with your hard earned money. Lurking in the corner watching you as you wonder into different stores collecting gifts unaware of the dangers that may lye ahead. 1stClassLadies want our supporters to be happy AND safe this holiday season so we have put together some tips to help you shop safe, secure, and alert! Grab your pen and paper or make a mental note of this seasons do's and don'ts for holiday shopping.

Leave the house with only what you need. Your already going to rack up with bags and thing so don't carry along the unnecessary stuff. Over size purses, bags and big entertainment object ( such as iPads, games, etc.) are just another item to have to keep tabs on. Eliminate the stress and take with you what you need to shop that is it.

Pockets are a plus. Your coat should have inside pockets because that is the best place to store your funds. Money can fall out of pockets and cards can be easily stolen if not safely secured so keeping it inside your clothing close to you keeps it from going anywhere. If your funds are in an inside pocket you have no need for a purse so you can leave it at home.

Prepaid/debit/credit cards work. Walking around with to much money can be a hassle and draw unwanted attention to yourself. Place the money you want to spend on a prepaid or debit card to limit walking around with to much loose money on yourself. Remember to write "check ID " on the back of all your cards to avoid someone else utilizing it.

Be mindful of your surrounding. As we said there are people in all types of places looking for someone to make their victim. Looking for someone who seems to be oblivious to their shopping environment. Be aware of those around you and trust your gut. If you feel like your being followed stop what your doing and survey the scene. Look out for people you seem to be observing in every store your in and. Ever seem to far away from you. Don't be afraid to stop a officer or security guard and ask for help. Even if it's just pretending to ask for directions. This will make him/her or them think twice about making you there prey.

Have a shopping buddy. No not just to help you pick out great gifts but for security. People who shop in groups are less likely to be the victim of a thief. Robbers and thieves usually go for loners so takes someone along with you. Make sure to utilize those extra set of eyes. BOTH should be watching for unwanted attention. If its possible to leave young children at home DO SO! Predators like to focus on those with children as well. They know that nothing means more to a parent then the safety of a child and they will give up whatever it is they need to in order to keep their little loved one safe.

When all seems to much there is always the internet. Nothing is wrong with shopping from home and more people are finding it easier. Even though for most it is more convenient, you still have to be careful. Shopping from a PayPal is VERY safe because you do not have to keep putting in all your personal information to different sites decreasing the chances of your information being stolen. Only shop off known sites and if it seems to good to be true - chances are it is!

                         Follow this guideline and you as well as all your gifts will be safe!

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