-The O'Jays
The expression keep your friends close and your enemies closer, is definitely on the money when it comes to our next topic. There can be no greater betrayal in the friendship handbook; than that of someone you may consider like family. Yes, my lovelies were discussing those good ole frenimes !! What is a frenemy ? To be perfectly honest; it's a toxic friendship.

You know.. That one person in your inner circle who consistently swears they have your best interest at heart. Meanwhile they make your suffering their joy. Forever critical of your every move, these people don't believe in "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". The main objective for them is to consistently compete and compare. To make it their business to get what they want at all cost, no matter who they have to step on to do so. Hmmm.. Do we detect a slight bit of envy??
Well of course.. there can be no seed planted for jealousy without, a bit of envious motive. You probably think there is nothing they can be jealous of. Well your wrong! Jealousy can spout from the simplest things.. sure they may have what you seem to think is a perfect life. However remember that all that may glisten is not treasure. The materialistic things in life they possess; or even goals they may have accomplish may not be enough. So when they look at you, and see your content with the little things.. (i.e a good relationship, a decent job, or self assurance) they feel they need to bring you down to make themselves feel higher. Having a frenemy is detrimental to ones health, not just in the emotional but also the mental. If your friends with this person long enough, they can convince you as well as others that their view of you is factual.
So what's a girls to do? As if it isn't obvious.. distance yourself from the negativity. How else will you blossom and shine. Peoples perception of you is irrelevant!! What you believe about yourself is what matters the most. You may have bee title for so long as "The Blonde", "The Bitch", The Slut, or even "The Goofball" but have you fed into that?There are times when you must take a stand and tell people simply.. Cut the bullshit!!
Sure you may have been friends with the person for decades, no matter the time span at some point you have to stand up for yourself and say F@^! THE HATERS.. Because that's all a frenemy is!! A hater disguised as a friend.
A true friend has your back through all turmoil, when you hurt.. they hurt!! If you have success they celebrate it with you. They are not there for personal gain. A true friend will elbow a broad in the throat if need be. Trust us we've done it!!
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