Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thoughts For Thursday

One father is more than a hundred Schoolmasters. ~George Herbert

Fathers Day Words

It's 8a.m. and after you have whipped your eyes and stretched you remember today's the day- your first shaving lesson!! Though you have no hair to shave, the excitement of being like dad is more important then anything. You race to the bathroom where dad is already setting up as the teacher. You grab your stool so you can see in the mirror and your ready to began. This is something that will forever stick with you. A lesson that you will one day pass on to your offspring and them to theirs. It is a known fact that children who have positive role models in their life are more positive people. Girls and boys who have men and women to show them the way, stay on top of them and teach them right from wrong. Unfortunately not everyone is as blessed to have both parents in their life. It's more common then most that fathers play an absent role in the life of a child.

1stClassLadies is not in any way knocking fathers who do what it is they need to do in order to be in their child's life regardless of their relationship status with the other parent, financial income and/or physical challenges. We applaud you for your efforts and encourage you to continue do the best you can do. Some father's get a bad rap as being less important then mother's but there are a lot out there that are amazing if not more of a parent then the child's mother.  1stclassLadies are even noticing more one parent homes that only consist of a father. To those we tip our hats to! Raising a child regardless of what gender you are is a challenge. It comes with good times and bad, ups and downs but as long as one is willing to put forth the work and effort the skies the limit.

1stClassLadies would personally like to thank the fathers of our children for being the amazing dads they are.  Though we all may have our challenges amongst one another you guys never stop trying to be great parents and we thank you for that!!!

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