"lets the games begin"
Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!! Football is one of the most watched sports in history. Like women wait for that yearly sale at Saks Fifth Ave to nab those Jimmy Choos at a unbelievable price, well that's what men are to football. Just waiting for that season where they can kick back every Sunday and on occasional during the week games and not have a care in the world but to sit in front of the TV and watch the game. Who can blame them, everybody needs a little euphoria. So from women to women and we know the men will thank us later for this, here is a list of Do's and Dont's this football season to make it a GREAT one!

2. Please have all snacks, eats, and drinks ready! No food and game time Do Not Mix!
4. Do throw a football get together, however keep in mind for you and your girls to remain in a separate room.
If you follow these simple rules your man will be sure to enjoy his Football Season 2012, because "A Happy Man is the Plan"
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