Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thoughts For Thursday

Will sex education reduce or end AIDS, adolescent pregnancy, prostitution, sexual exploitation? Frankly, we do not know. But silence on sexual matters does not appear to be an option either ideologically or practically. Ideologically, ignorance is no advantage when others have knowledge, especially knowledge misused, and people who know nothing of sex can take risks unknowingly and be taken advantage of -MARTHA CORNOG
Condoms On Prom Night?

She has the perfect dress. He has the baddest suit. Hair done, nails done, everything did! And for him- he's  just as fresh as they come. Both ready for one of the most memorable and happiest nights of their lives- Prom Night!! As you snap the final photos of your little love ones as they drive off in their limo, the last thing going through a parents mind is that they could be giving condoms by the school at the end of the night. Well that's just what some parents would've been pondering as the Bedford-Stuyvesant Preparatory High School plans to make condoms available to students to take as they leave the prom.
Now before you get all riled up understand there are three views in every story. the two parties that's are involved and then there is the reality. Lets discuss all sides today!

The School. There is sex education classes conducted in schools as well condoms available just down the hall at the nurses station so whats the difference with them be available to students at prom? They are not walking up to students and handing them  a condom with a note attached stating "having a good time." they are simple making it available  to those who are considering going down that rode. Better safe then sorry type of situation. Though teen pregnancy has continued to drop in the US the numbers are far from low enough. Some students feel more comfortable speaking with someone other then a parent about sex situation so if the school is that other person we would want them to make sure if they are going to engage in those acts they are protected.

The Parent. Now we know what your thinking- I am the parent so I should have the final say so about sex and condoms. And you as a parent to a certain extent are correct. Being open to discuss sex with your child is the first big step. Speaking to the school and hearing their view on the situation whether you agree or not will help you to understand their intentions and then you can go from with whatever your next move is. Our children are our number concern and we only want whats best for them. We don't want someone encouraging them to be a grown up and make grown up discussion that they shouldn't have to just yet make.

The Reality. The truth of the matter is children are having sex sooner rather then later now a days. Some as young as junior high school has taking part in some sort of sexual activity. Though its not what we want to hear or believe it IS the reality so instead of trying to pretend as if it doesn't exist acknowledge it before your in for a bigger surprise! Take proper steps when it comes to your child like talking to them about sex and making it very clear your door is always open to speak about it. Make it clear that they should feel comfortable coming to you about ANYTHING.

Though in recent days the principal of the high school has pulled the plan to hand out condoms, 1stClassLadies believe he only had the best interest of the student at heart as do parents. We believe that if both parties work together and put their passion and love for the students together and make it one everyone will come out on top!

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