Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wanted Wenesday

Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.-Benjamin Franklin

Save Some This Summer
With all this beautiful weather upon us, we have started planning our 2012 summer of fun. Now that you have your swim gear, party cloths and all the nick knacks one will need there is still one thing you have to handle- the bills! The reality is bills never stop rolling in and can effect your summer plans IF you don't take care of them. 1stClassLadies LOVE our summer and refuse to let bills stop us from enjoying it. We know our viewers feel the same way so we have put together a few tips to help you save money on your bills and things this summer. Put those extra dollars toward something more useful- like summer!
Less Is More. Most of the time we are not home during the day. Probably at work or taking in the sun somewhere on a beach. Whatever the case may be, you want to make sure when your not home your not paying for it. Before leaving home not only should you cut off everything but unplug it as well. The less energy you use the more money you save on the electric bill.
Budget a Bit. Since you would rather spend your money on enjoying the summer your going to have to cut back a bit on other things. Cut back on spending money when you don't have to. For example, take lunch to work instead buying something outside. Then there is riding a bike or evening skating to a destination instead of spending money on gas. You can keep in shape and save all at the same time- that's a deal!
Look Pretty Not Pricey. Ever see someone in an outfit or a pair of shoes and think " Man I know they spent and arm and a leg on that!" Then your blown away when your informed just how much they actually spent was half of what you were thinking. You can have that look and price too. There is nothing wrong with shopping only during great deals. The outfit doesn't make you YOU make the outfit! Compare prices before buying something. You can actually apply this method to anything you need for your home as well (i.e. groceries.)
Take On The Jobs. There is no reason why you should hire someone to do your household make overs if you can do them yourself. Let's say you want to spice up the living room with a Tiffany blue sort of color. Gather a few of your reliable friends and have a paint party. You will feel because the work is your own- the money you will save is also the best part!
 Make Coupons Your Best friend. Scissors meet coupons! There is nothing wrong with clipping and saving. And in this new computer crazed century sometimes you don't have to even clip them. With just the click of a button you can get the things you want and need at a discount price.

Correction Officer (Daily Testing)

Police Officer (Daily Testing)

School Safety Agent (Daily Testing)

College Aid Sales Associate

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Clerk/typist at the VNS of NY


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