The work place changes as society changes. Just imagine going to a fast food restaurant to order out. You get to the front of the line, anxious to order that sandwich that youve been craving all day, the worker says "Hi, how can I help you" as soon as you open your mouth to start ordering you hear a Rihanna ringtone and she grabs her phone and says "Hello....." Im sure everyone would either say or be thinking......"I KNOW SHE DIDNT." A complete turn off as a consumer and on behalf of the employee what we like to call a DISTRACTION!!! Well, a lot of employers are changing office policies on what is not to be tolerated on the job. We are here to give you our list of TOP DISTRACTIONS while at work.
The what did we do before cell phones question has become something so far in the past. So far it hurts to actually think of what we did since most people cant do without them. However one place that can do without them is your place of work. Its one thing to be caught by your boss talking on the job phone for leisure, but one hundred times worse if being caught by your boss using your cell phone for leisure. In most places of work cell phones arent allowed to even be carried on you, having disceplinary actions if being found out!!! So ladies & gents save the phone talk for lunch or break!!
One thing above all things you DO NOT want to bring into the work place is your personal love endeavors. No matter if your single out in the world mingling, married, divorced, seperated, in between, baby mama, baby daddy drama, DO NOT, we repeat DO NOT bring that into the work place. Mama never told you growing up "What happens at home stays at home"!! Well, 1stclassladies is telling you. It is the tackiest when Shaquanna and them roll up to your normally quiet office to start some drama all because she found out youve been cheating. So have some class and never bring home with you to work!!
Direct Supp Asst Trainee
Park Worker (Parks & Recreation)
Entry Level Maintenance
Mail Message Services Worker (Hunter College)
Laborer A (Medgar Evers College)
PayRoll Specialist-JetBlue (Forest Hills, NY)
Center Customer Service Rep FEDEX
City Park Worker (Parks & Recreation Dept)
PlayGround Associate (Parks & Recreation Dept)
Computer Aide (NYC Taxi & Limousine)
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