"People Can Be Cruel.. And They Will Be! People Can Hurt You.. Break Your Heart..And They Will!! But Only You Can Let Them Keep Hurting You"
- Unknown
You've had a "Love Jones" for his/her body & skin tone from the day your eyes met. It may have been a ongoing off again on again love roller coaster; leaving you looking like a love sick puppy with out a place to call home. Or even a close friendship that you thought could blossom into so much more. All and all it may be time to hang those dreams up. My hopeless romantics out there; sometimes matters of the heart aren't as complex as we ourselves make them! Although truth can hurt deep; you know we say this out of pure reflection of heartbreaks and lessons learned. It's never fair to be strung along, with high hopes and greater expectations. However the truth is men and women alike are guilty of such matters of the heart. So we've decided to address that awkward topic of " He/She... Is Just Not That Into You"!!

- You have been together for a couple of mths and he/she has no title for you!!
- He/ She makes constant references to their EX
- He/ She comes around when it's convenient for them
- He/ She does not call or txt
-You don't have a draw; or if you do it contains one item to sleep in and nothing more!!
- You are picked up in the wee hours of the night and return home before sunrise
- You've never had a proper date ( NO MOVIES.. NO DINNER.. NOT EVEN A STROLL IN
- He/She FB or other social network status is Single or It's Complicated
- He/She has never given a token of affection ( Card, Jewelry, Money)
- Stop being so available... Sometimes out of love, we make ourselves too available to the person we admire. This can lead to the person feeling they always will have you there, a clear indication that they do not value your time!
- Stop being his/ her doormat... There is no reason you should be cooking, picking up dry cleaning, paying for car repairs ; or restocking their refrigerator. You are not in a relationship. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be used; however from where we stand it's done out of love. Yet you need to recognize the difference between the two, so your not taken advantage of.
- Give credit where credit is due!! DO NOT.. DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES FOR HE/SHE's SHORT COMINGS (i.e They didn't show to a important event like your birthday party)
- Change your number and delete them from your contacts! Yes, sometimes it takes a step so drastic to push that person out of your life and out of your mind. But it will put you in a better place emotionally.
- Purge of anything that leads to a memory.. Anything you thought that was sincere may have actually been ; but you can never be too sure when looking through lovestruck eyes. No need to sleep in his T-shirt Ladies, throw it out!! Guys her toothbrush or draw can be cleaned out.
- Remain UN-frazzled if you do bump heads!! Keep your confidence and poise, as the saying goes " Never let em' see ya sweat"... Yes, you love or loved them but, they failed to see that. You've always been a treasure and they treated you like trash. So don't buckle at the sight of them giving into past/ remaining emotions.
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