"Love... What's That???"
- A.Wilson
You throw on your Tory Burch's, Zara jeans, and a perfect blouse to accent you voluptuous curves. You hop in the car cruising with your lipgloss that's "poppin". Upon parking up "Red Lip Lola" you stroll seductively through the doors and make your way towards your target. Just two feet away you see the rarest of specimens. Think Idris Elba, need we say more?! Suddenly your concentration is broken by a announcement of 3 for 5. And just like that you missed your hungry man in the frozen food isle.
There are many women in search of Mr.Right but half the time; your big catch can become a huge flop. Half the time we assume it's the person. However, sometimes you need to consider the place you encountered him. A clue to who you maybe dealing with, may stem from their surroundings.

Most people spend the majority of their lives at work!!! So we deemed this place as one of the worse places to meet a man. Of course you might have some options at the office, who doesn't?? However think about it, would you like to be in the dating stages with someone that you have to see every single day 9-5?? That first date that you anticipated so badly to become your prince charming and he ends up being the date from hell. Then you go home from that nightmare saying "thank GOD this date is over" just to wake up the next morning go in to work and there the nightmare is again that you cant rid of running into........screams......BIG MISTAKE!!!!
Your Neighborhood
It is never a wise choice to entertain the idea of dating someone from your area, you could hit it off and have a steamy relationship for a couple of months. But when the heat cools off, the stale air will set in. Leaving you with the reality that this person can observe your every move. Imagine having to come home only to know that this person lives on your block; or right upstairs from you. Trust there is nothing that puts a damper on a date more than, the awkwardness of running into one of your ex's.
Clubs.. Bars..Strip Clubs
There is a reason Ron Browz made the song "No Wifing In The Club", however you have become enticed by the swagg of "Sir Cuff Alot". Shame on you!! There is one thing you must remember ladies, never talk to a promoter or D.J. Yes, we have been known to be guilty of this one. But we have learned our lesson; take notes and beware. There is nothing more alluring than the club scene; the bottles, music, and all around good vibe. However, keep in mind that the invitation to breakfast or meeting up later has been offered to another woman that same evening. Or even earlier in the week, you could become another jumpoff, even if he makes you feel like numero uno. Also the way a man acts in the club, is the way he will act when your at home when he's out.
You've seen him down a couple of shots of Henessy, a Long Island Ice Tea, and a Patron Margarita. Yet somehow the red flags haven't gone off yet. Ladies your just asking for heartbreak.. First of all, there may be a clear indication that he has a alcohol problem. Second a man's perception of you when he's intoxicated is never the same as when he's sober!! So it should come as no surprise the next morning if he has no recollection of who you are.
To my ladies who enjoy going to the strip clubs, whether male or female please be advised. The strip club is a rare place to find your Mr. Right!! Yes, he's got a nice body, has straddled you on his face, and is covered in baby oil; but keep in mind that there is a reason his name is Mandingo.And that sock over his man parts maybe stuffed. Leaving you highly disappointed if you do the grown up later!! Along with his long list of clients he's accumulated over the years.
And for my females who can't stand the thought of a male strip club; opting to go to Perfection's on a Wednesday. You should know already what to expect if a man tries to talk to you in a strip club. He's brought you and himself a lap dance, and gave you the stack to make it rain; while tipping you in the process. How charming you've found your Casanova. Not to say that they are all hopeless, but they are there watching half naked women twerk and twirl around a pole. If you do decide to invoke in dating, you can't be upset when he suggest to go see his favorite dancer. He should have enough respect to keep it at home while you dance for him. However, being that's where you've met he'll assume you have no problem with venturing out.
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