Rules of The Rommmate
In the world we live in today, the word "affordable" has since left the vocabulary of many. Nothing seems reasonable especially the cost of living on ones own. Because of that, many choose to get a roommate to help split the cost. Sometimes it's with people you know and others it's with those you don't. Whatever the case, 1stClassLadies is going to tell you how to pick a roommate as well as how to budget between them in order to survive in a civil as well as responsible environment. So grab a pen and paper and take notes.
Picking The Right Roommate. If its a familiar face or one you don't, this person has to be right for you. There are also a few things to be certain of. They need to be employed or have a guaranteed source of income. You want to be sure that one month you won't turn around and be stuck with all the bills and rent. Depending on your sex, you may want someone of the same gender. So if it's through advertisement when promoting what your looking for, make sure to specify that so that your not wasting your time or the person looking. Also be sure to state if you want or don't want pets and/or smokers.
The Familiar Face. In most cases people prefer to share and apartment with someone they know. It gives them a sense of peace knowing that the person they live with is someone they have been around and trust. Though this is a great idea, this can also go sour and ruin a friendship. Being friends before two or more parties move in together does not give anyone a free pass. As a roommate whether written or unwritten your entering into a contract to do right by each other and hold up your end of the bargain regardless for the sake of keeping your space in the apartment.
Whether its people you know or people you don't, rules should be set into place so everyone is on the same page from the very beginning. Here are a few main things that 1stClassLadies thought should be discussed before or right after moving in:
• Talk about the cost. 1CL prefers everything be split EVENLY. No one should pay more then another unless they have more baggage (I.e. a baby.) There should be a set day the rent is collected and handed in. So that no one can say this was not the agreement put it in writing and everyone sign it.
• House care should be split evenly as well. Take turns with who will wash the dishes and who will sweep/mop the floors. Or split the rooms up. Someone cleans the kitchen and the other be responsible for the bathroom. When it comes to buying things for the house like food it's optional and depending on how often your even home you can decide that amongst each other. Roommates can have a "house jar" which everyone can contribute a certain amount of money each month or week for items that will be shared within the house like tissue, cleaning supplies, etc.
• Company. If the living room is the common place for entertaining company and roommates do not run in the same circle, make sure to inform each other when there will be guest. This will prevent both parties from clashes with guest, arguments and unequal use of space. Be considerate to one another as a sign if respect.
If you as roommates apply these helpful tips when moving in with each other, 1stClassLadies are positive that this will be an easy process for all parties involved.
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