Before Trayvon Martin... There Was Emmett Till
With all that has occurred in the past month regarding the Trayvon Benjamin Martin case, and the delayed arrest of his admitted murder. It's no wonder why much of the African American community is in uproar; feeling racial flashbacks of a similar case where one of our own was unjustifiably murdered and those arrested where acquitted. For those of you who aren't familiar with the (lynching) murder of Emmett Luis Till, we suggest you research your history. At just 14, Till was dragged from a family members home in the stalk of night in 1955, and his worries were far from over. Emmett Till, was hung from a beam in a shed, beaten, had his eye gouged out, and was shot in the head for committing the ultimate taboo back in those days of Jim Crow. Then as if enough damage was not inflicted, they took a 70 pound cotton gin fan; with a piece of barb wire wrapped around his neck. To weigh down his body and threw him in the Tallahachie River. Because of the era, Till's abduction and murder was not viewed as an importance to authorities. The state of Mississippi tried to cover up the harsh reality of hatred that black faced everyday in the south. When Emmett's body was brought back home to his mother in Chicago, they banned the funeral director from opening the box his body was confined in. However, they under estimated the love and determination of his mother Mamie Till Mobley. She demanded a hammer to open the box herself to see her son once last time. When it was made clear that she had such urgency the funeral director; made arrangements to open the box. The next day nothing could prepare Mamie Till Mobley for what she witnessed as the remains of her only child. Her only son laid disfigured beyond belief, and instead of breaking down she prepared to impact the world requesting that her son's funeral be open to the public. In a open casket procession; giving a image of hatred ad ignorance to the world.
Using her grief as a key token to bring forth change, as well as seek justice for her son. Praying that no mother would have to experience her grief. All for a mere whistling at a white woman.
Now almost fifty seven years later we are facing the same heartache. Much like Emmett, Trayvon's blood was innocently shed. Yet instead of peace being brought forward to his parents they face grief. With constant attacks on their son's character, a band wagon of critics discussing if George Zimmerman, was just in his actions. Is there really any justification in taking the life of someones son? Trayvon was viewed as "suspicious", wearing a hoodie made him a "thug". In Zimmerman's words "There's something wrong with this guy".. "He's definitely on drugs or something, he's just walking around in the rain" "Now he's looking right at me". Zimmerman then proceeded to follow Trayvon, exiting his car and proceeding after him on foot. Even though emergency dispatch made it clear that he shouldn't. He began chasing after Trayvon stating that "These niggers always get away". Concluding his call with 911, he approaches Trayvon, who was talking with is girlfriend on his cell phone. Interrogating him saying, "What are you doing here?" Pushing Trayvon to the floor, and screams of Trayvon Martin asking for "Help..". And a single shot heard by neighbors. When authorities reach the scene Zimmerman, is standing over Trayvon Martin, admitting to gunning the teen down in self defense. But does a man who is so fearful go after his said "attacker"? Of course not.. and once again we find the authority of Florida, acting like the citizens of Money, Mississippi in 1955. Trying to cover up the murder of Trayvon Martin. Listing him as a John Doe and not notifying his parents until a few days later. Adding insult to injury stating they would not arrest Zimmerman, with out probable cause. Suggesting that Zimmerman, could have felt threatened by seventeen year old Trayvon, carrying a bag of Skittles and a Arizona Ice Tea.
Zimmerman was questioned for five hours at police headquarters the night of the shooting (February 26th 2012) then released. He was not tested for drugs or alcohol, and a background check was not conducted. Yet Trayvon Martin's, corpse was tested for illegal substances and they looked into his records hoping to find something to smear his name. Looking to turn the victim into the predator in the eyes of the public. But the people who raised and loved Trayvon can contest to his character. Letting the public know that their son was far from a "hoodlum". Now in 2012, we find Tracy and Sabrina Martin searching for answers and justice for their beloved Trayvon. Gathering strength from their grief, marching and gaining supporters with the help of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Giving their slain son a voice.
The last thing we want is another sham of a trial when it comes to Trayvon, and although we as a people are infuriated by the ignorance of many with racial profiling. We also have to realize as parents, to prepare our beautiful babies being killed; not only by those who are prejudice but also by our own. We have to change the outlook that we are entitled to the freedom that our ancestors had to fight so religiously and diligently for. We need to educate our future of the past although it may seem like it's happened so long ago. There are evident signs that Jim Crow is still around. Just because we consider ourselves free; dosen't mean we are. The laws that were set and are suppose to protect us, somehow don't apply to us. Leaving us like our ancestors of the south. Without a voice or protection in certain situations.
We 1stClassLadies as mother's felt the need to address such tragedy; asking our readers to wake up and become aware of how histiory is always repeating itself. It was Emmett in August of 1955, Trayvon in Febuary of 2012, Will it be you or your child next??
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Emmett Till's Open Casket |
Now almost fifty seven years later we are facing the same heartache. Much like Emmett, Trayvon's blood was innocently shed. Yet instead of peace being brought forward to his parents they face grief. With constant attacks on their son's character, a band wagon of critics discussing if George Zimmerman, was just in his actions. Is there really any justification in taking the life of someones son? Trayvon was viewed as "suspicious", wearing a hoodie made him a "thug". In Zimmerman's words "There's something wrong with this guy".. "He's definitely on drugs or something, he's just walking around in the rain" "Now he's looking right at me". Zimmerman then proceeded to follow Trayvon, exiting his car and proceeding after him on foot. Even though emergency dispatch made it clear that he shouldn't. He began chasing after Trayvon stating that "These niggers always get away". Concluding his call with 911, he approaches Trayvon, who was talking with is girlfriend on his cell phone. Interrogating him saying, "What are you doing here?" Pushing Trayvon to the floor, and screams of Trayvon Martin asking for "Help..". And a single shot heard by neighbors. When authorities reach the scene Zimmerman, is standing over Trayvon Martin, admitting to gunning the teen down in self defense. But does a man who is so fearful go after his said "attacker"? Of course not.. and once again we find the authority of Florida, acting like the citizens of Money, Mississippi in 1955. Trying to cover up the murder of Trayvon Martin. Listing him as a John Doe and not notifying his parents until a few days later. Adding insult to injury stating they would not arrest Zimmerman, with out probable cause. Suggesting that Zimmerman, could have felt threatened by seventeen year old Trayvon, carrying a bag of Skittles and a Arizona Ice Tea.

The last thing we want is another sham of a trial when it comes to Trayvon, and although we as a people are infuriated by the ignorance of many with racial profiling. We also have to realize as parents, to prepare our beautiful babies being killed; not only by those who are prejudice but also by our own. We have to change the outlook that we are entitled to the freedom that our ancestors had to fight so religiously and diligently for. We need to educate our future of the past although it may seem like it's happened so long ago. There are evident signs that Jim Crow is still around. Just because we consider ourselves free; dosen't mean we are. The laws that were set and are suppose to protect us, somehow don't apply to us. Leaving us like our ancestors of the south. Without a voice or protection in certain situations.
We 1stClassLadies as mother's felt the need to address such tragedy; asking our readers to wake up and become aware of how histiory is always repeating itself. It was Emmett in August of 1955, Trayvon in Febuary of 2012, Will it be you or your child next??
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