Get On Board Now cuz Once I'm In the Air... The Sky's The Limit!!!- Cortez
They say hip hop is dead and gone. It's never going to be the same because nobody is talking about anything relevant. I guess Brooklyn can now stand up as 1stclassLadies Music Monday artist plans to step out and then stand on top of the music game. Cortez is the name and if you don't know of him it's time to educate you a bit. Raised in the Bed Stuy, Cortez dealt with the struggles of life like most but decided not to let that be his life story. Instead he combined his challenges with a beat and infused some lethal lyrics. Once the track is done consider a hit on your hand or as Cortez would say " and i bodied this beat toe tag it." 1stClassLadies had a little chat with Cortez and picked his brain a little to see were his focus was.
1CL: Define Who Cortez is.
CORTEZ: Cortez is just a kid outta Brooklyn, New York who looked at all the Negatives that surrounded him and made it his purpose to turn every last negative into a positive! I speak from real life experiences and with my music I try to give insight to those who don't know any better and make them relate through the music!
1CL: What makes you unique from everyone else?
CORTEZ: I think what makes me Unique is my wordplay! I just know how to put certain words together that are so simple yet I try to make them as thoughtful as possible! Not to mention I'm spanish and my outlook on things from the hood is slightly different just because of my background and upbringing. Theres things that people like Big Pun & Joel Ortiz haven't touched yet that I think I can fill the void or gap within between.
1CL: When people hear your work what do you want them to be thinking?

1CL: Where do you draw inspiration from?
CORTEZ: I draw my inspiration from my surroundings and everyday experiences! That's how I try to keep my words as true as possible! It helps me be myself whether I'm in Artist mode or just at home!
1CL: Where do you see yourself in the future?
CORTEZ: I see myself being my own boss independently. I've learned so much with the music and how this industry works that I definitely see myself either taking my talents to the next level or investing my time and connections into someone whose future is just as bright as mines was!
CORTEZ: I see myself being my own boss independently. I've learned so much with the music and how this industry works that I definitely see myself either taking my talents to the next level or investing my time and connections into someone whose future is just as bright as mines was!
1CL: You had to live by one quote what would it be and why?
CORTEZ: "Get On Board Now cuz Once I'm In the Air... The Sky's The Limit" !!!! This quote is something I always tell people because everyone is down when things are going good but I only want to surround myself with those who were with me at my lowest! If You Believe in something keep with it no matter how hard the obstacles may seem because the minute you give up...Opportunites Will Pass On Right By!
1CL: How can people learn more about you?
CORTEZ: If You Wanna Learn More about Cortez hit my twitter @Cortez_HSP, FaceBook is Cortez HSP, Instagram is Also Cortez HSP. For contacts & Bookings email and log on to www.IamCortez.BlogSpot.Com. Feel free to reach out I respond to everyone and show love! Thank You !!!!!!!
It's evident that this artist has planted his feet and has NO thoughts on leaving! With much success in his previous mixtapes "The Hidden Vault".. "16's and Better".."The Exception 2- The Rule", and most recently XXL "Im In A Class All By Myself". Indeed he's in a class of his own, which explains why he can't be put in such a small box (i.e XXL Class of 2012)* There is no list that can describe the realer than real style of Cortez. And the greatest of the great sometimes get overshadowed; before the simplistic can see the state of genius being presented. Without question he exceeds most. So be on the look out because the sky is bout to get a bit brighter as Cortez is bout to take over! TOMA
Cortez Large in the Streets"& Freestyle Performance
Off The "16's & Better" Mixtape
Cortez "Hometown"
Off The" XXL I'm In A Class By Myself" Mixtape
And Now for A Lil Dessert.... ( Real Music/Real Talent Edition)
Real Estate By. Cortez
Raining In My Room By. Coco Sarai
" Act Like a Woman" By. Jennifer Hudson ft. Neyo
" Break Up" By. Kris Kasanova
"Turn Me On By David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj
"Chase This Paper" By. Eddie Kaine Ft. Mr R&B Smooth
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