Parenthood always comes as a shock. Postpartum blues? Postpartum panic is more like it. We set out to have a baby; what we get is a total take-over of our lives- Polly Berrien Berends
It should be the most joyous time in a womans life. She was just blessed with one of the most beautiful and greatest gifts a higher power could EVER give her- that of a child. Though most woman are gushing while just watching their new bundle of joy sleep, there are some woman who do not feel the same way. As many as 80% may experience some type of mood disturbance after having a baby. This can vary from a mild case of baby blues up to a severe state which is Postpartum psychosis. We here at 1stclassLadies are all mothers and want nothing but the best for both the children being brought into the world and the mothers that will care for them. Please understand this a very serious topic and at some point in your life YOU might either go through it or encounter someone who will. It is no time like the present to get the knowledge you need to understand what they maybe going through and see how you can help.
The Types of Mood Disorders:
Baby Blues usually occurs in about half the women who give birth. They set in about 3-5 days after delivery and last for more then several days to about 2-3 weeks. She may cry more easily, experience trouble sleeping,or feel irrated or sad. Due to the fact that baby blues are so common, it is not considered to be an illness and it does not interfer with a mother caring for her baby. These blues are not brought on by a previous illness or stress. However, having a history of depression and stress do play a part in whether the blues develop into a greater depression.
Postpartum Depression happens to 10-20% of women who give birth usually lasting within a few months of delivery. The symptoms may include but are not limited to depressed mood, change in appetite, fatigue, and feeling of being inadequate as a parent. This also impairs her capability to care for her baby. Some women also experience having bad thughts about their baby even ones of harming them. Its rare however, that she will act on such thoughts. Factors that put women at risk of PPD are if the have a previous case of major depression, not enough support from friend/ family (social support) or psychosocial stress which is when one feels their social status, social esteem, respect and/or acceptance within a group is being threaten. In this case the threat would be the baby.
Postpartum psycosis is the most severe as well as rare case of depression. A mother with this type of depression will suffer from symptoms like delusion, hallucinations or both within 3 weeks of birth. Other symptoms are truble sleeping, agitation and mood swings. Women who have thoughts of hurting their baby while suffering from this sort of depression are more likey to act on their thoughts. Affilated with postpartum psycosis is depression, bipolar disorder, and psycosis. Women suffering from postpartum psycosis can seem to both professionals and others fine but can go deeper into depression even after periods of being well. If not treated, it is more then likely to return after the postpartum period or having another baby.
Didn't know it can get to that point right? Neither did some of us 1stClassLadies!! But now that you do know acknowledge that you don't have to stand by and watch your friend/family/lover just swollow away. Know you can help play a part in making their life better and here is how:
Check in on her regulary to see how she is doing.
Be there to listen when she needs someone to talk to
Take walks with her (everyday if you can)
Make her healthy meals to eat
Give her a break from childcare and household duties
Give her time to take a nap or a relaxing bath while you care for the baby
Be patient, kind and above all understanding
Remind her of her worth, qualities as well as her strengths

We can not change how they are feeling in a day. These things take time but in the end it will be well worth it because SHE is well worth it. Throughout our time here on this earth, we will go through times of stress, being unhappy, sad or dealing with grief. This is usually when we have loss a loved one or suffer a personal tragedy or difficulty. In due time most of us will be able to cope and return back to our "regular program." But there is always a population of people who do not know how to tune back in. We must be there to help while they heal. They need someone to not only be there for them but their precious gift as well who did not ask to be here but blessed the world with it's presents anyway.
If you or someone you know is suffering from depression here is some helpful sites:
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