Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thoughts For Thursday

Censorship in any form is the enemy of creativity, since it cuts off the life blood of the creativity: ideas- Allan Jenkins

What would the world wide web (www) be like if it was censored? No more expressing your daily frustrations on facebook, no more YouTube as a source of entertainment your favorite site inaccessible ALL due to censoring that our government is trying to introduce in a new bill called Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA.) The main reason this bill was set into play was to protect intelligent property. Though this is a serious problem, all that would come of this bill would be so vast it would absolutely over shadow the worth that it would provide based on how it is being presented today.

What would be some of the impacts of SOPA??
  • Social networks, personal pages as well as sites that allow people to express their thoughts could become unsearchable and blocked on the Internet.
  • Content you share like videos, photos and stats updates will be monitored.
  • The rise of censorship could possibly remove legitimate content.
  • Using of PayPal could be coerced into stop doing business with sites because that site has been blocked.
Top Gunners At Risk Of Being Hurt By SOFA
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • no to mention the thousands of other site and/or social networks
THIS IS NOT OVER!!!! There are steps you can take in order to try and put an end to this bill. Let them know you have a voice and you should be allowed to use it virtually! The world is not peaches and cream, people have bad/hard times. If your having a bad day and feel like letting loose on your status- you should be able to.  That's why its called "your status!" Want a good YouTube laugh, tutorial, video after a long day? You should be able to access that. If its not harming anyone physically and ALL parties involved agree to the release of such footage, it should not be a problem. Here is what you can do to help.
1stClassladies would like to continue to speak our minds and keep you guys entertained and updated on any and everything we can. If this bill is passed that might not be possible. Lets make sure that DOESN'T happen!!!!

....we ask our readers, what do u think of this????
                                             *comment below*

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