Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"do unto others as you
would do unto yourself"
-Golden Rule, Golden Law

When living anywhere, unless your secluded from the rest of the world living on your own private island, your never really alone because there is someone living to either your left, right, or both.  Not every neighbor is your average "Cosby" family nor the "Brady Bunch" family.  Some can be neighbors from hell!!  We are here to give our tips on how to handle the situations that may occur.

Situations may occur both in a house or appt, however particularly when residing in a house two parties are sure to have conflict over property issues.  This can include arguments over trash cans and or trash going into one another yards, households that share a driveway, even a huge tree grown in between yards and the argument is debating who is responsible for the payment to rid of it. 
Some have the neighbors who are too quiet where you might wonder what is going on in that house.  Consider yourself lucky compared to the people who have neighbors that don't have no self control when it comes to the level of noise blaring from their apartment or house.  This includes the "Project X" party going on next door or even waking up early morning (on your day off or not) to Drake blasting from a stereo.
There are certain acts that a person may absolutely not tolerate from their neighbor.  These acts include drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking in front of or near by a persons home residence.  Where you can actually smell the smoke from in your own home.  Some people take it as far as knocking on another persons door consistently to ask for favors.  In example sugar, butter, even money.
  • Act appropriately.  Once the first occurrence happens don't approach right away, unless something severe is occurring.  If not, give it some time to evaluate if the first occurrence will be the last occurrence.
  • Mediation is always a great starter to fixing a conflict between one or more persons involved.  Try inviting one another over to have a civilized talk about the issue at hand.  Make sure to even jot down notes before meeting to make sure you bring forth all points of your argument.  Hopefully everyone will be mature enough to come to a solution without using any verbal threats or physical violence.
  •  If mediation is not successful and trying to talk things through and come to an agreement is not working either then you will have to pull out the big guns and we don't mean "guns" we mean Litigation.  You will end up having to seek legal advice and further handling the matter in court.







West 39th St


                                                         Motor Vehicle Operator

Direct Supp Asst Trainee

Entry Level Maintenance

Custodial Asst (John Jay College)

Painter (NYC Tech)

Mail Message Services Worker (Hunter College)

Laborer A (Medgar Evers College)

PayRoll Specialist-JetBlue (Forest Hills, NY)

Center Customer Service Rep FEDEX

City Park Worker (Parks & Recreation Dept)

PlayGround Associate (Parks & Recreation Dept)

Computer Aide (NYC Taxi & Limousine)

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