Monday, November 5, 2012

Be safe. Be Prepared

Be safe. Be prepared. It's just that simple- 1stClassLadies

In light of the terrible Sandy hurricane that hit the New York Area we here at aplateofthisacupofthat would like to say we hope that our readers  as well as their families are doing okay. Our hearts and prayers go out to those that have been affected by this tragedy and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts as the city continues to recover. With that in mind 1stClassLadies thought it was important to help our readers be prepared in case we were ever in a situation such as Sandy again. We have put together a few guides in order to help be safe and be prepared.
Have the proper material. Have flashlights. batteries, candles and all the properties needed in order to keep your home a float in case of power outage. This is a kit that should ALWAYS be accessible to you and not just in the case of a natural disaster.
Easy eating. Prep your home with food that doesn't require being heated up with the help of electricity.  Stock up on dry and canned foods that can be made with water or minimum heat. Foods such as  canned beans, canned soups, stews, dry as well as canned milk, canned fruits, vegetables and granola bars are all good examples of what you can get. Also make sure to have plenty of water available depending on the family size.
Clear the floor. Anything that you have laying on the floor or in the basement that can be damaged by water should be removed. Pictures, papers, electronics, things that you know are expensive financially and emotionally. You always hear people say they lost so much but the things they lost that hurt the most are the things they can not get back. Try stacking things high and out the way to avoid these loses as much as possible.
Investments are a good thing. Small gasoline- powered generators, solar cookers, a portable phone charger and a good first aid kit are all things a family should invest in and would definitely come in handy in the case of another Sandy. They may not be used often but when the power goes out you will be sure to have had these things.
Think about your vehicle. Avoid parking by tress and wires that can fall on your vehicles. this is a tough one but it can be done. If parking lots are available to you utilize them. Remove anything in your car that has any meaning to you in the case your ( God forbid) is flooded.

If your told to evacuate DO IT. Your safety and that of your loved ones is MOST important. Understand no one would tell you to leave your home if they didn't feel is was a necessary precaution. PLEASE we ask you to do so if instructed to. No life is worth being lost because we felt it's not going to be as big as they say. Let's not chance our lives like that.

We would like to say that even though the City was parallized for a bit, this storm was well prepared for and well organized from the beginning to end. Organized aftermath is what this city needed. Though alot do not view it that way know and understand no one could ever be 100% ready and prepared. And this city was as prepared as they could be. We would like to thank all of those who put their lives on the line during this hurricane to save someone else. Your hard work and dedication to this city has not gone unnoticed. Thank you to the volunteers and shelters that have went the extra mile to help those who have lost so much.
If you or someone you know who like to help those affected by hurricane Sandy:

Donate RedCross
United Way

Save The Children


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