"When you can use one trend for all your body highlights its safe to say we have reached new heights"
It's rare that you find a trend that works for beauty, hair and fashion so when you do, don't let it go! We are talking about the art of ombré. Ombré is a style when one color ( usually a darker color) fades into another ( usually a light color.) This is a fashion style that is being worn by everyone. From the hottest celebrities right down to your next door neighbor. Let 1stClassLadies show you all the ways this look can be achieved!

Hair is where it starts. Ombré is the most notice and worn type of the style. Short hair, long hair, curly, or straight. It doesn't matter the texture of style of the hair as long as there is some hair on your head it is possible. You can go for a stand out look with color for a more dramatic feel or go with a more natural color. This way you keep it more professional but instyle as well. Guys don't feel left out as you to can pull this look off! Nothing like a style that everyone can get in on. Now when dealing with this look there are a few this you must know. First off this is a faded look so make sure that is what the colors do- fade into another. Make sure if this is not extensions to keep you hair moisturized. You don't want your hair breaking off. Clip your ends before dying the bottom as you don't want to take to much color from the bottom. Stick to these tips and you can't go wrong.

to all the beauties on
YouTube we now have guides to help one achieve this look from the comfort of your very own home. Make your eyes look like the sunset or even the ocean waves. Let your lips come across as a garden of flowers starting to bloom.
With the art of ombré any look is possible. With
ombré With ombré makeup also comes tips. This must also fade gradually. To achieve that look make sure to blend your eye makeup so that they fade into one another creating the affects. Below is a ombré makeup tutorial to help your pull off this trend the right way from our favorite you-tubers!
Here is a step by step guide to help you do your nails from home thanks to glamour!
Ombré fashionista. Ombré clothing is the final touch to popular style. It works for all kinds of
clothing- dresses, pants, suits, it all. This style works for any season and any occasion.anyone and everyone can rock ombré!
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