“I sleep better knowing that a naked cork-eater is not sneaking around at night, stealing my underwear. ”
-Maureen Johnson
When either going to college or moving into an apartment, that you cant afford all the expenses, there is always one thing in common. Your roommate.
It starts out exciting and also liberating. Going to college away from mom and dad and away from their strict rules and regulations. Cant wait to reach the dorms to see just how big the room, who else is staying in your dormitory. Most importantly Who Is Going To Be Staying In the Room With Me??? Who am I going to be sharing all of my back home stories and glory with??!! Who will I gossip and attend school functions with??!! Its all exciting at first until that "newness" is over and you see that other person true colors come out!!
Your needing an apartment but with today's society who can afford to pay these crazy high rents. You decide to search for an apartment where you can roommate with someone and split the costs. You do a meet and greet and a viewing of the apartment. Find everything to be great and imagine no issues with living together. Thats all fine and dandy until that other person shows their true colors.
A roommate relationship is like any other when multiple people are sharing the same living space. There will be some up moments and other days there will be some down days. With 1STCLASSLADIES tips on "How to Survive the Roommate from Hell" you are sure to keep any situation under control.
- As the saying goes "The best way to kill someone is with Kindness"The most effective weapon for a rogue roommate is love. It's hard to treat people who treat you like trash with kindness, but if you want to disarm your rogue roommate, treat him right. If perhaps he/she left his/her clothes outside to dry and it's about to rain, bring them inside for him/her. They may never appreciate it or say thank you, but deep down he/she is shocked and ashamed that after all the bashing they've given you, you still treat them right.
2. Be Firm!! There are times you will have to put your foot down and stick to your guns. For instance, if he insists on kicking you out and hosting a house party that is disturbing, just be adamant and disagree with the whole idea. Your college roommate wants to have company over and try to throw the Do Not Disturb sign on the door leaving you impermissible to enter the room, HELL NO!! You have a right the place just as much as he/she does.
3. Stay calm, cool and collected. Basically don't whoop anybody's ass as much as you probably want to when dealing with a "Roommate from Hell" There are times your patience will be tested. He may loose his key door and then "request" yours. Take your key back without causing a scene and insist on him getting his own duplicate.
4. Value yourself and your own needs, too. Don't rush to please a roommate to avoid a conflict. Don't let your principles and values be changed because you fear how your roommate may sneer at you or tarnish your reputation. Stick to your values and you will realize he will respect you if you are consistent. There are times where things may get to the extreme and you finally decide "I have had enough," but have self control and don't get into personal confrontation that can result to bloody brawls. If on college campus speak with the RA (Resident Assistant) about the issues going on if becoming that serious.
E ~M~ P~ L~ O~ Y~ M~ E~ N~ T
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