“Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.”
-Gustave Flaubert
There’s a disease going around affecting millions of people each year. The symptoms may include dreading of Monday mornings and the over anticipation of Friday nights. More severely, these symptoms can also be accompanied by headaches, weight gain, or sometimes depression. While this disease has no specific medical term, most people who experience these symptoms usually share a a few common phrases, including, “I hate my job" or “my job makes me sick!”
Currently one in three workers has at least one symptom of clinical depression, 41 percent say they feel stressed often or very often, and one in five have trouble falling asleep. So besides the fact that you despise your long commute, would rather not speak to half of your co-workers, and are certain that you work with the boss from hell, could your job literally be the cause of some of your mental and physical illnesses? Possibly.
Where in this situation it would probably suit you to just quit, in this economy it doesn't give you this option. Most of the population depend on their current job and salary to pay the majority of their everyday needs and expenses. Thus if quitting would leave you employed and w/o collecting unemployment. What is you alternative you might ask?? Doing your best to make your situation more comfortable until finding else where for employment. With tips from 1stClassLadies you are sure to be on the right path.
Ok, we've heard. Its a no brainer. You do not like your job. However you have no choice but for the moment to hang in there until finding an outlet. To help you find that temporary comfortability change you attitude. Don't wake up with that attitude "damn why i gotta go in to this place, i hate it here." Instead wake up with a refreshed C.R.E.A.M mentality!! (CASH RULES EVERYTHING AROUND ME). This attitude is certain to make your day go by with a little more ease when knowing that your rent, car notes, kids expenses, and luxuries will be paid for. Instead of having the attitude "I cant stand this one, or that one." Come to work with it branded in your mind that "this one, and or that one" DOES NOT AND I REPEAT DOES NOT PAY YOUR BILLS!! NEVER LET ANYONE GET IN THE WAY OF YOU MAKING YOUR MONEY FOR YOU AND YOURS!!
To help make your office a more positive feeling communicate with the positive people in the work place. Share some laughs or even lunch outings. Have a desk of your own?? Bring in photos of family, loved ones, and/ or friends to give you a daily reminder of peace and happiness. This will help keep your mind at a more positive and peaceful place.
E ~M~ P~ L~ O~ Y~ M~ E~ N~ T
Mail Message Services Worker/ Hunter College
Mail Message Services Work/ Queensborough CC
Office Administrator/ Dept of Info Tech & Telecomm
Executive Secretary
Finance Associate /Dept of Consumer Affairs
General Services Associate/ Consumer Affairs
Special Assistant for Operations
Community Associate
Manhattan/ East Harlem
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