"For it is in giving that we receive"
- St. Francis
Tis the season...... A time to express our love and affection for family and friends through an exchange of gifts and food. A time to gather and share laughs with those we cherish dear to our heart. Though this is a beautiful and cheerful time for most, for some it is cold, dark and lonely. Some have nowhere to go to keep from the cold. Others have no clue as to where there next meal will come from. And of course some children worry that because of how or where they live, Santa will not be able to reach them. It is sad to hear but it is even sadder to know that you can make a change of some kind but choose not to.
Help the HUNGRY. They need to eat EVERYDAY just like we do. Wondering how you can help? Start a food drive of unopened can goods in your community. Make it fun by turning it into a contest. The person with the most cans gets a prize. This makes the process more interesting for those donating and more food for those its being donated to. Then donate all the goods gathered to an organization that helps feed those in need. Two notable organizations are City-Meal-On-Wheels and City Harvest. We are not the only ones who should enjoy a big harvest this thanksgiving!

Giving back with your TIME. Though gifts are always a great gesture of kindness, sometimes all it takes is a moment of YOUR time to make a difference. There are some people out there with nothing or no one to talk to. No one to make them laugh or smile or just be there during this season of joy. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to be that person forever remembered for their kind words and good heart. Even if the time you spent with that person was brief. It is a moment that can never be given back and you choose to spend that moment with them. For that you will never be forgotten. Isn't that worth it?? You can volunteer at With NYC which matches your interest as well as you time to the needs of those in New York. Here you can also find out how to donate cash and/or items to help.
We love the CHILDREN. They are our future and need to be guided into adulthood the right way. However, while they are young they need to enjoy it. Help them do that by donating to Toys For Tots NYC. You can pick your state and county and find out what you can do to help. Help the marines give back to children less fortunate. They also help you put together your own toys for tot party for donating. Any information you need is there. No child should go this season feeling left behind. You can help make sure that happens!
Have a coat or coats in your closet that are of no use to you or your children anymore?? Donate those to someone who can put that to use out here in these cold temps. Weather might be looking pretty fair now but in these cold days to come, there is adults and children whom cant afford to buy such necessities thats just luxury for us. Help rapper Fabolous who collaborated with New York Yankees player Robinson Cano, New York Jets Ahmad Bradshaw, and in conjunction with retail store Dr Jays to start their First Annual 3 Kings Coat Drive. Coats will be collected at 22 Dr Jays stores located throughout the 5 boroughs and donated throughout New York.
Fabolous is taking on the legendary story of the 3 kings and is giving back to his home town. Winter time is just around the corner and Fabolous in collabortaion with Dr Jays and others are doing what they can to help their community!!
New York CARES
This holiday season, give back to those less fortunate then yourself. Don't wait to thanksgiving to donate food or Christmas to hand out a gift. DO IT NOW!! There is no time like the present- making a difference for the future. 1stclassLadies will start it off you guys follow!!
*All lettering in green are actual links to such websites*
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