"Men always claim to be the solution.. Yet their actions show they are just another contradiction"
~ A.Wilson
This right here is for my fellas!! (Yes, you..you.. & especially you) Many of you have felt that us females have given you a bad reputation by quoting the infamous words" Nigga's Ain't Shitttttt".. and to be quite honest there was a time that I believed there was hope for the male kind. But to be blunt, most of you know we are justified to make such a assessment. And the most comical aspect of it is, that instead of owning up to it, you all hang from Katt Williams balls saying, " It's not that men ain't shit, your pussy just attracts ain't shit niggas". None of you are innocent ; there has been one or maybe more than one female who you've fucked over in love. Stringing her along until you got bored, and she was no longer fun. The GOOD MAN is considered a endangered species, why you ask? Because there are so few in these times. Even then, there are times when "A GOOD MAN" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Disagree?? Ok. Let me help you see things from the female perspective; since we seem so complex or lost in this world of MEN. A woman can become your best friend and confidant, we fall hard being the emotional creatures we are. Feeding us harder dick than the last man; and even bigger bubble gum dreams!! Then upon gaining our trust and loyalty. You become comfortable in the warmth we've harbored just for you. With much confidence you feel like your the man.. king of hearts, only to wonder and wander off.

Even if we've helped to build you up to the man you've become, your pride over shadows the amount of love we've given. sometimes we even make great sacrifices to appease you both materialistic and emotionally. Yet with all the sex appeal, class, and intelligence your woman may hold. She is not enough to compete with the curiosity of what else is out there. You can have a lovely girlfriend or wife even.. she's a good cook, mother, clean, educated, motivated, freak in the bed and will bust a gun for you. Yet you cheat (physically, or emotionally). If it makes no sense to you then, imagine how we feel going through the same ordeal with one man after another.
Put yourselves in our shoes, if you gave all of yourself to your woman and she did half of the things you've done. I mean even the things she may not have knowledge of.. what would you think of her? Would you be able to forgive her and move forward; as many of you expect of us? Or would you be slaved by your ego and pride to let go. Labeling us a filth for pics or txt. Yet you can send pics of ur mini me, and say all is forgotten because you claimed not to be intimate with the side chick. Or have video's of lusty swizzle straws ingesting you orally. Yet you love us, it never meant anything. Isn't it the same for both man and woman if trust is tarnished in a relationship, whether casual or serious? We deem you as "Ain't Shit Nigga's" when you, can't or won't value a diamond and are constantly swayed by swarovski crystal. Please stop thinking with your little head, there's a reason the lord gave you a brain. (No I'm not talking about shorty saved in your phone for dome-icidal purposes) There are two types of vagina's in this world gentle man!! The first will nurture, and keep you from drowning in this harsh world. With you or without she is a force to be reckoned with ( she is wifey). The Second will put a tight grip on you, make you feel higher than a cloud. Using you for personal gain until she sabotages your greatness and moves to the next (she is the black widow.) Be clear by no means am I man bashing; I'm just saying don't dish it if you can't take it in return. Respect us and admire us as we do you. If you can't be a MAN , step to the side for someone more deserving. We're big girl you won't hurt us w/honesty!! If anything we will respect you more. Because at the rate your going, you will turn all the GOOD GIRLS bad.. and once we're gone, WE'RE GONE FOREVER!! DEUCES
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