A promiscuous person is a person who is getting more sex than you are
- Victor Lownes
What's Your Number???

Those answers are:(a)Not many or (b) three ( the first..the ex.. the current) but, in all actuality the number can vary from one to the terrifying unknown. Yes, we do tell that white lie. Some hide a scarlet letter to avoid the risk of being shamed by our sexual "Once Upon A Time" before meeting that one. To become the pristine image of what a woman should be. On the other hand; why should we have to lie about such matters in the first place? If we are all grown adults, why should it matter how many partners a female has been with before encountering her future mate as long as she played safe. The answer to that question is so obvious it's simplistic. For years there has been the double standard between genders on this subject. That man was created to spread his seed and females; are here to help in the procreation of the human population. Many men feel that their woman is a depiction of them, a prized possession, that is suppose to be theirs and theirs alone. Yet when asked how many partners they've had the response is one of two: (a) ten to twenty (b) don't think I'm a man-whore. Isn't it funny the difference in the response given? Whether you've been with half the New York Giants or Knicks shouldn't matter! If a person once to truly be with you there a certain things to overcome. Besides I'm pretty sure he may have had half of the Miami boardwalk in his closet of bones. And if you both can live with that who cares what the rest of the world thinks?? At the end of the day it's just you and him.
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